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The major issue created from the impact of human life and urbanization is the loss of many animals’ habitats. The cause of this is the constant mining and oil drilling that occurs in the tundra. As discussed in the “Endangered Species” page of this website, due to the abundance of oil underneath the permafrost, many mines and drill sites have been placed in the tundra biome. However, this causes some animals to move out because of the occasional oil spills that removes the proper living conditions for the organisms living here. Animals that are affected by this includes the arctic fox and polar bears, as discussed earlier, but really it could affect any animal. A possible solution for this would be to either create national parks or reservations for these animals to live in without disturbance, or to look for alternatives to oil so that there wouldn’t be any need for these sites, thus allowing the animals to live in the tundra without the interjections of oil spills.

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