Caribou moss, or the cladonia rangiferina, is a whitish green lichen that grows underneath or amongst the snowy layers or shrubs of the tundra. For those who don't know, a lichen is the result of a mutual symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi.
Tufted saxifrage, or saxifraga cespitosa, are small white flowers that grow in the shady regions of the tundra. These flowers grow in groups and are usually found within rocks and crevices.
The pasque flower, or the pulsatilla vulgaris, is a pink, short, cup-shaped flower, usually found in the gravelly and/or sandy soils underneath the snowy layers of the tundra.
Obviously, due to the tundra's harsh climate and temperatures, the biome isn't home to many plants. Well, except for the small, pathetic little shrubs and bushes you first see. However, it may seem like that at first, but it isn't true. Under the snow and shrubs lie many different lichens, mosses, and fungi, and in the shade of the few trees in the tundra lie beautiful flowers. Here are some examples of plants in the tundra: